
Web App

Orcasound is a platform that lets users listen to hydrophones through a web app, where they can tag SRKW calls during listening events.

OrcaLearn, a part of Orcasound, focuses on educating people to identify Salish Sea orcas based on their vocalizations.

This case study centers on creating OrcaLearn, an open-source web app that trains Orcasound users to accurately identify SRKW calls, aligning with Orcasound's mission to engage users in sound science and contribute to whale protection.





Project Type

UX, UI, Product Design


Lead UX designer

The Overview

How can users identify southern resident killer whale calls?

The objective is to design OrcaLearn, an interface that will train Orcasound users to correctly identify SRKW calls.

The interface will be an open-source web app, aligned with the main website's mission to engage users in sound science and contribute to the protection of whales.

The Problem

Main obstacle: teaching SRKW sounds on Orcasound?

Orcasound faces a significant challenge in educating and preparing its users to proficiently identify SRKW calls during listening events.

To tackle this issue, stakeholders at Orcasound have sought the development of OrcaLearn - a dedicated interface that imparts the necessary skills to tag SRKW calls with precision and confidence.

The Challenge & The approach

How to make a decision?

Joining the project during a transition between team leads, our protagonist faces the challenge of limited documentation and information.

To overcome this, we conduct thorough research, ask questions, and analyze available materials. They improve navigation and information architecture, laying the groundwork for a high-fidelity prototype.

The Challenge & The approach


66.7% of the participants (4 out of 6) did not scroll the Orcasound Home screen.

50% of the participants (3 out of 6) found the Sea Sounds labels inconsistent between numbers and letters.

33.3% of the participants (2 out of 6) experienced difficulty in navigating back to the Orcahome or finding their previous location.

83.3% of the participants (5 out of 6) loved the Sound Catalog.

50% of the participants (3 out of 6) did not fully experience the Test feature.

Opportunities from critical issues

Optimize the navigation architecture of OrcaLearn.

Improve the UI navigation for better usability.

Ensure consistency in labeling elements within the Sea Sound section.

Improve the Information architecture of global navigation.

Revitalize the Test function by redesigning the screen for a more user-friendly experience for new users.

The Next Steps📱

The future

After the next iteration, the OrcaLearn team prepares for further testing, eager to see the positive impact on users.

In the midst of an exciting ongoing project, we're crafting the next iteration. Stay tuned for updates!